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Verb Formation

Learn how to make verbs from nouns and adjectives in Sairupanese!

In Sairupanese, to make a verb from an adjective or noun, we simply add /-u/ to the end of the word. For example, adding /-u/ to [mõj] ‘rain’ creates [mõju] ‘to rain’.


Now try it yourself!

Make the following list of verbs and adjectives into verbs:

1. [boci] ‘full’
2. [ɟmõttɛ] 'grease'
3. [θoj] 'water'


1. [bociu] ‘to be full' - Example "I am full"

2. [ɟmõttɛu] 'to grease' - Example "You must grease the pan before cooking"

3. [θoju] 'to water' - Example "I am watering the plants"


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