Words in Sairupanese can have a minimum of one syllable and a maximum of four syllables. Lets look at the syllable rules in Sairupanese.
In Sairupanese, the various syllable rules are described below:
Dots are necessary to draw, in order to separate the syllables, as shown in the picture above.
Any double consonant must be split into two separate syllables. For example in Sairupanese, the word [ʎittœ], meaning ‘leaf’, must be split into [ʎit-tœ]. Similarly, the word [ɟmõttɛ], meaning ‘grease’, must be split into [ɟmõt- tɛ].
Groups of three consonants are always made up of [s] or [z], a stop, and [R] or [r]. The first consonant is part of the preceding syllable, the other two are from the following. For example, the word [aztɾœ], meaning ‘tongue’, must be split into [az-tɾœ].
When two vowels are separated by only one consonant, the consonant becomes part of the second syllable. This is shown with the word [ŋɛ̃dɑ], meaning ‘cold’, which splits into [ŋɛ-dɑ].
Now Let's Try It Out!
Separate the following words into syllables using dots to indicate syllable boundaries:
[pusɟRĩm] 'nose'
[mpeca] 'root'
[ŋɛ̃tto] 'flesh'
Answers Below:
[pus.ɟRĩm] 'nose'
[mpe.ca] 'root'
[ŋɛ̃t.to] 'flesh'